We Contractually Guarantee You Sign Between 5-25 High Paying Clients for Your Marketing Agency or B2B Company

Results from Our Clients

These results are not typical

If you can't buy clients, you don't have a business

If it isn't obvious now, everything you've been doing to get clients doesn't work anymore.

Clients & customers throwing money at every offer has stopped.

The times of “just send some cold emails” stopped working.

Here's what happens now:

The tide goes out, and 95% of business owners fail.

4% trickle along aimlessly.

1% or less figure it out.

It was easy to land clients. Now it’s not.

It was easy to charge high prices. Now it’s not.

There is no capital in this ecosystem.

Every offer on the planet has been cooked by "we will book you 1,000 sales calls in the next 6 days or you don't pay."

But since you're not a psychopath, you don't do that.

What'd that do to the market?

Every client is skeptical. They’re taking the safe route.

"I've been burned on something like this before"

“Now isn’t the right time to start on this project, maybe next quarter.”

But next quarter is even worse. And it keeps getting worse.

The only business owners who will make any money in the next 3-5 years are those with astounding efficiency.

Efficiency of acquisition. Efficiency of conversion. Efficiency of Time & Capital.

Everybody who ignores what I'm saying is going to lose.

Your leads are drying up.

You're closing at less than 20%. Even less than 5%.

Every prospect is saying “we don’t have the budget for this.”

“Now isn’t the right time.”

But it is the right time. Because they’re still buying. They’re just not buying from you.

How do we fix that?

Because what I’m sharing with you is integral to understand.

If you do not listen to me, everything you have will shrivel away and you WILL NOT grow.

Your clients will begin churning.

Your cash flow will decrease.

You will try the “next best marketing trick”

You’ll probably buy courses, or try more ads, or buy a “100 calls or you don’t pay” offer.

You’ll lose all your money.

You will have to shut down.

Do you want that to happen?

Or will you fight to survive?

Because if you don’t figure out how to purchase customers profitably in the next 3-6 months, that’s exactly what’s going to happen.

I’ve been in this market a long time.

I’ve seen thousands of agency owners, b2b companies, consultants, and SaaS companies.

95% failing, 4% managing to keep trickling along, and 1% or less becoming successful.

The kind of success where you never have to worry if you’re going to need to lay people off.

The success that lets you build a big team, fly them all out, and maybe put them on a yacht.

There’s a simple fix for this.

But you have been misled.

You’ve been misled by the onslaught of 18-22 year olds posing in front of rented Lamborghinis in Dubai telling you about their automated mega turbo AI profile reach extender.

They’re getting rich off charging you $15,000 to throw you inside a Discord group chat with their team of third world VA’s who have never sold a high ticket service or operated a company in their life.

They’re slinging “mentorships” and “coaching programs” while their only credential is a coaching program itself.

They’re telling YOU there’s a new way to charge clients $10,000/mo, and that you will sign $100,000 contracts.

They want you to believe that a monthly retainer is automatically a yearly contract and client churn doesn’t exist.

These are angles.

Marketing angles to trick you into purchasing their crap.

So you can either keep getting deceived by these angles...

Or you can listen to somebody who has operated REAL companies.

Operationally complex companies.

An Agency, a Consulting company (that actually gets client results), AND a Software company.

Is that what you want to do?

Build a Business That's Actually Sustainable

Before I get into this, you have to know who we are.

We took a Lead Generation Agency to $100k/mo in 1 year.

We took a Consulting/Coaching company to $100k/mo in 6 months.

We took a SaaS company to $100k/mo in 90 days.

We've done $8 Million in revenue (and climbing very fast, at an accelerating pace)

Here’s who we are:
And just so you know I’m not bullshiting, here’s some screenshots:
At the time of this writing, we have done close to 8 figures in sales across just these 3 companies.

Even more when you count our side projects.

This has been millions of dollars in profit.

Zero outside funding.

All the money made directly from paying customers, who pulled out their credit cards, to purchase what we are selling.

Because we simply figured out not only what’s working in today’s market, but the only way to scale at all, ever.

Purchasing Customers at a Profit

There are only 3 ways to get clients/customers on the planet.

And I guarantee if you’re struggling right now, it’s because you haven’t built these out.

And you will continue to struggle if you don’t listen to me.

You will keep wondering the “next best way” to get clients.

You will keep pacing back and forth inside your house at night, wondering what jobs you’ll have to go apply to when your company fails.

So let me explain this to you…

You must always pay for customers.

And there are two resources you can purchase them with:

1. Time
2. Capital

Maybe you have a lot of time and little capital, or maybe you have a lot of capital and little time.

So the question is, how can we purchase customers using as little Time and Capital as possible?

To understand this, there’s one premise you must get:

The more human attention you have access to, the more clients & customers you will sign.

But there exists a problem.

You don’t want to waste your Time or Capital.

You need something that works RIGHT now.

Well, my friend, lucky for you, I will be explaining how this all works.

I will be showing you the 3 Methods of Acquisition.

And how to apply these methods while being the most efficient with your Time & Capital as possible.

Because if you don’t figure this out…

You will be stuck on the perpetual hamster wheel of buying another 20 year old’s coaching program.

You will keep getting psyoped into thinking they discovered something new.

Psyop = psychological operation to deceive 

But there is nothing new under the sun.

Every single thing that works has already been discovered, by people before our time.

But you just haven’t done the digging…

You just haven’t found somebody who HAS done the digging…

You just haven’t found somebody who has applied exactly what they’re saying, and got results with it…

WITHOUT embarrassing yourself on the internet, or lying about case studies or results, or making promises to clients you can’t keep.

Organically Arbitraging Human Attention

Do you believe in Karma?

“What comes around goes around”

Everything you ever do will always come back to you?

Years ago I was iffy on it.

BEFORE I ran a successful business.

But now I can’t not believe it.

Because we have engineered Karma to work for us.

To make us profit.

To bring clients & customers to us in droves.

Without spending any money on ads.

Let’s get on the same page about something…

The only way for you to make any money is to receive it from another person.

Therefore, for somebody to pay you, they must believe that what they are purchasing is an excess of value, and worth more than the money itself.

This means two things:

1. What you sell must be delivered in an economically efficient way, to the point where it costs you significantly less than the revenue you collect for it

2. The perception itself of what you’re selling must be obviously so much more valuable than what it costs.

The key word here is “obvious.”

This should not be a debatable subject.

It must be immediately & indisputably apparent, at the moment they find you, that they need to speak to you right now.

But there’s a problem…

Human attention costs money.

It always takes Time or Capital to get in front of people.

But if it takes too much Time, or too much Capital, we can’t profit.

So how do we organically arbitrage human attention?

How can we reach the MAXIMUM amount of people, for as LITTLE Time and Capital possible?

We use Karma.

We produce content on the internet that is useful.

Not flashy.

Not Mr. Beast spending $1,000,000 on a video.

You see… the market is inefficient right now.

Nobody is producing anything valuable.

And you don’t want to post cringey content online.

You would rather crawl in a hole and let your business fail than compromise on your morals or post an open mouth face video.

You might also think you don’t have anything valuable to share.

You might think you need to become a video editor or do Tik Tok dances.

You might genuinely believe you have nothing to say.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Because after scaling to 7 figures…

And acquiring thousands of customers for our own products and services…

And helping thousands of other business owners just like yourself produce millions of dollars in new business…

We created our own little system behind this.

It’s called Sales Assets.

Here’s the nice thing about this little system we’ve created.
  • You don't need to edit videos
  • ​You don't need to spend 3-5 hours every day producing content
  • ​You don't need to be loud or obnoxious
  • ​You don't need to do cringey little dances
  • ​You don't need to come up with new ideas
  • ​You don't need to be a good writer
  • ​You don't even need to be creative at all
Imagine you have a little army of minions…

Think of them like little salespeople crawling around the internet, gradually picking up new leads for you.

They never get tired, and their salary is $0 per month.

They require zero Time or Capital besides the original production.

You pay in Time once.

(And even then, the Time cost is so profoundly low when you follow the system)

These little salespeople hang around and find lets every day. And night.

Now here’s the thing…

We’ve put hundreds of people through this System.

And using it, they’re able to get results like this:
So I know this works.

Across hundreds of markets & industries and business models.

It’s worked for agency owners, info product owners, coaching/consulting programs, software companies…

And the only objection you’ll have is “I’m not creative.”

“I don’t want to spend 10-20 hours per week making content. I have a business to run and clients to manage.”

Well, my friend…

This is where systems come in place.

Because in order to make this the most Time & Capital efficient arbitrage of human attention on the planet…

We have mapped out every single sales asset, the format it needs to be in, the premise it needs to talk about, and what needs to be contained in it…

So much so that making a new one may only take you 1-2 hours…

And after working with hundreds of business owners, I can indisputably tell you this:

There is a direct correlation between how many Sales Assets you have, and how much money you make.

It may very well be one of the most Capital & Time efficient ways of acquiring new business on the entire planet today.

So imagine this:

Business Owner #1 creates 1 sales asset per month.

He spends hours and hours coming up with a new idea. Rewriting content. Digging through other people’s stuff to try and come up with something unique. He spends 10-30 hours on one piece of content.

Business Owner #2, the Client Ascension business owner, produces 1 Sales Asset every week.

He spends 1-2 hours on it.

He distributes this sales asset organically.

He leverages the community for reach.

He uses platform inefficiencies to take advantage of the algorithm, pushing his content further and further and further.

He gets 10x more reach, 4x more often.

After 6 months, he has 24 Autonomous Sales Asset Agents picking up new leads for him.

With the minimum Time commitment as possible, using exactly zero Capital.

And this is all well and great.

And when you follow our methods & systems exactly, you see profound growth in a short time.

Kind of like Ryan here, who followed the system exactly:
But there are other pieces to the puzzle…

Because you can’t rely on only one method.

Like a good portfolio manager… Like a hedge fund manager… Or a family dynasty with billions of dollars, we need to diversify.

Diversify our acquisition streams.

Leveraging other inefficiencies, using minimum Time & minimum Capital for maximum gain.

So, what we need to do is…

Build an Outbound System. Get Leads, Calls, and Clients Right Now.

Have you ever heard of cold outbound?

It’s when you directly message somebody who has never heard of you, with an offer for them to buy, to get an immediate response.

There’s a lot of terrible information online about this.

There’s people who tell you to spam hundreds of thousands of emails & DM’s (oftentimes breaking the law) to sell their scam products & services.

They never do it gracefully.

They send spam.

They never get results.

Then they sell you their “1 million cold emails per month” system,

But despite sending so many cold emails, aren’t able to show any economic return on it.

Because they don’t know how to do it correctly.

All of their emails are going to spam.

None of the prospects want what they’re selling.

And you waste thousands of dollars & hundreds of hours trying to build an outbound system that will never work, ever.

Now here’s the thing…

That agency I mentioned earlier? The first business in the Trio, the one that hit $100k/mo?

That was a lead generation agency.

Specifically a cold email lead generation agency, where we would send cold emails for prospects on a done-for-you basis.

In fact, 3 members of the Client Ascension staff STILL run a cold email lead generation agency. One of which is at $220k/mo.

What this means is:

We have sent millions of cold emails, for hundreds of different niches, using every tech stack & software on the planet, and thousands of different scripts.

For our software company ListKit, we are booking 10-15 demos per day, entirely with cold email.

And it’s cheap.

This, my friend, is the next Acquisition Method I want to introduce to you…

Again, in a way using the least Time & Capital possible.

So you can scale faster, with less work, and less risk.

Let me show you some numbers:
So if I were to ask you where else on planet Earth are you able to produce qualified sales calls for this cheap, what would you say?

Because there is little on the planet that is this efficient.

What could you do with 100 sales calls?

How many new clients would you sign?

How much additional revenue would that result in for your business?

There’s a couple things you need to do here.

Step 1: Deliverability

You cannot get clients or responses if your emails are not delivered.

People online love to tell you “just use this email sending software.”

Go ahead and ask them their return on investment.

“We get responses”

They won’t tell you how many.

They won’t tell you how many qualified calls have been booked. And they won’t tell you revenue produced.

Because there is none.

As their entire system is broken, and they have done nothing correctly.

And they will charge you $15,000 to teach YOU how to implement the same broken system. And only then will you learn it never worked for them in the first place.

You do not simply “use a special software.”

You buy many domains.

You configure backend DNS records.

You implement a warmup period.

You use AI injections & spintax.

You keep your domanis without them burning, you actually get responses, and you actually get clients signed.

But that requires two variables.

Because cold outbound is the same thing as advertising.

You have a message. You put that message in front of people. You get a response to it.

Hopefully, those responses are good, and they turn into paying clients.

But hopefully isn’t good enough.

It needs to work, right now.

So we must know what to say.

We must hear what the market reacts to, and adjust course.

And as always…

We have another system for that.

For you to get results as quickly as possible, with the least amount of work.

It’s simple script testing
We say something to the market.

We get their response.

Then we course-correct.

But this goes deeper.

Because the grifters in this market will show you flowchart systems & hypothetical numbers.

They’ll give you “projections” about what should happen.

They’ll sell you their system, and they’ll produce precisely zero results for you, and even they won’t know what’s going on.

You won’t know. They won’t know.

They’ll be $15k richer, and you’ll be $15k poorer, with 6 months down the drain.

Time & Capital you can’t afford to keep wasting.

So what is it?

What’s actually happened here, and why has every agency or “coach” failed to help you so far?

How come those “100 sales calls or you don’t pay” offers never work out?

If I were to point to one single variable, that makes all businesses fail, that I have seen THOUSANDS of times…

It’s the Offer.

How to Build Your Product/Service Into Something People Actually Want, and Exchange Real Dollars For

I get pitched 10-20 times per day.

In my direct messages, in my email inbox, in my LinkedIn, etc.

I have received roughly 3,000-5,000 pitches from different business owners trying to sell their stuff to me.

I have personally pitched hundreds of thousands of business owners on my own stuff.

Why does mine work, and theirs fails?

It isn’t the deliverability…

It isn’t the script…

It isn’t the timing…

It’s the actual thing I am selling.

It’s the value proposition I provide.

It’s the sales argument I present.

It’s the entire positioning & essence of the offer.

An offer that I have formulated based on real feedback, solving real problems, in a way that makes people want to purchase it.

Not an offer that gets people to “book calls”

Because every grifter on the internet wants to show you how many calls they book, but they don’t want to show you how many of those actually sign.

Because you can get as many calls as you want.

And I’m sure you’ve seen this before.

You get these prospects on the phone, and they say,

“This sounds great, but now isn’t the right time”

“This is out of our budget”

“Do you have any references?”

All these objections mean is that they don’t want what you’re selling.

You don’t negotiate with the love of your life.

You see each other, and immediately cannot resist.

Everything else in the world becomes second.

You need each other NOW.

And just like love…

Your prospects must fall in love with your offer.

They must feel like they have to have it right now, and if this isn’t happening to you, you do not have a good offer.

Your offer should make your prospects break all the rules.

I’ve seen thousands of offers.

Personally consulted on all of them.

Seen the direct feedback from hundreds of different markets, and stored all of this information into my bank of knowledge.

I’ve been exposed to massive amounts of different iterations of products & services.

And from this, I have created a step-by-step system that has never not worked to immediately increase interest levels.

Interest levels where people actually pull out their credit cards and become paying clients.

When I tell you this is the most important aspect of your entire business, you may not listen as intently as I need you to.

Because if you do not do this, I absolutely positively promise you will fail.

There is no single marketing system, outreach script, or amount of venture capital that will solve this problem.

The only way to solve this is going through the System.

The offer MUST be fixed in order for anything at all to work, EVER.

Because this is the magic trick.

This is the one fix it all pill that immediately makes everything work.

Your response rates will go up.

Your engagement will go up.

Your call booking rates will go up.

Your call closing rate will go up.

Your client retention will go up.

This will not fix just one variable.

Every single variable will improve simultaneously.

What you will experience will be so profoundly different than what you’ve ever lived before.

You will not recognize your business.

It will be a wholly different being. The entire essence of it monumentally shifted.

And when you follow everything I’ve talked about today…

When you are arbitraging human attention with high velocity Sales Assets…

When you have built an outbound system that gets leads, calls, and clients TODAY…

When you have formulated an offer that gets people to actually pull out their credit cards…

And when you have implemented these systems correctly…

Using the minimum amount of Time and minimum amount of Capital…

So that you are acquiring clients faster…

Signing better clients, for higher retainers…

And doing it while working less…

Are you able to understand the system.

The system for maximum efficiency of Time and Capital.

The one and only thing that will allow you to run a successful business.

The one and only thing that will save you from the recession:

Purchasing Customers for a Profit

Everything I’ve told you about requires resources.

Every acquisition method needs either Time or Capital to be executed.

Whether you do this with somebody else, or by yourself, inefficiently…

Or you do it with Client Ascension, the efficient way…

It will cost you.

But the question is… how much?

Because I know you’ve heard the phrase “time is money.”

But you never realize the full gravity of this until you’re at 7 figures.

We have over 40 people on our team now.

If we sign 50 clients in a month, it is impossible for me to service them by myself.

To generate those clients in the first place, it’s impossible for me to handle the sales calls myself.

This is why we have a sales team.

And even further down than that, it’s impossible for me to handle all the marketing systems by myself.

Because we do more marketing volume per week than most business owners do per year.

So let’s put it like this:

You have a 40 hour work week.

40 hours of raw available mental bandwidth that you can expend per week.

2 hours of which goes to Sales Asset production.

2 hours of which goes to distribution of the Sales Asset.

10 hours of managing your outbound system.

10 hours of back & forth email conversations with prospects.

6 hours of sales calls.

10 hours of client fulfillment.

That’s 40 hours.

But what if you want to produce more sales assets?

What if you want to do more outbound?

What if you want to produce ads?

The only way to do that is by removing something else.

You must remove yourself from the fulfillment.

You must remove yourself from the sales.

The CEO of a company does not do the fulfillment. They do not do the sales calls.

Time is Money.

And you must convert your newfound money into purchasing your time.

And when you purchase back that time, you will turn it into new money.

And that new money will purchase more customers.

And you will scale farther than you’ve ever scaled.

You will do it more efficiently than you thought possible, you will work less than you thought you’d be, and you will wonder how this all happened so fast.

But how do you do this?

How do you hire people, and how do you know what to have them do?

How do you replicate yourself, and build marketing systems?

How do you build sales systems?

How do you build conversion systems?

And like everything else, my friend…

We have a system for it.

Because we’ve done it.

And acquired thousands of customers & clients.

And our clients, who we’ve taught to do this, have done the same.

A system for knowing exactly who to hire… exactly what to call them… exactly how to find them… exactly what to ask them… and exactly what to have them do so that
  • You win back your time
  • ​Your clients still get results
  • ​Your clients' results improve over time
  • ​Your clients stay longer and spend more money
  • ​Your revenue keeps increasing as you keep working less
  • ​You build a culture behind your business, with a team that loves & respects you
  • ​You build a real business, stop being a freelancer, and own a truly economic machine
Because that's exactly what we've done.

And it's exactly how we've been able to fly our team and clients out to events like this:
And have hundreds of our clients come to our events.

Because every person in this cog is efficient.

They have their role, they do it efficiently. And we all profit.

Our clients get great results. They build things exactly like we’ve built.

They live better lives, they become wealthier, they become happier, and they never have to wonder if they’re going to fail.

So how can you achieve all of this?

How do you create an offer that strangers on the internet pay you for?

How do you deliver these offers in an economically efficient way, so that you actually profit?

How do you build the systems that let you predictably acquire these clients?

How do you keep your clients longer, keep your promises, and get paid more?

How do you outsource & leverage your time, while keeping quality higher than your competitors?

How do you create autonomous lead gen systems, without risking tens of thousands of dollars or needing to hire outside agencies?

How do you stand out from all the fakes, and build something that’s respectable, that you don’t feel bad about?

Our Offer to You

We want to help you build a bigger, better, more profitable company.

We want to help you do this in the most efficient way possible.

We want you to enjoy it, not wonder what you need to do next, but always having the next task to complete.

We want you to get results, and love what you do.

We want to hand hold you through this process, so you can achieve heights greater than you thought you were capable of.

Even if you aren’t a “creative”

Even if you aren’t technical.

If you can give us hard work & dedication…

Then here’s what we can give you:

Build an Acquisition System

  • Learn How to Arbitrage Human Attention by Leveraging Platform Inefficiencies
  • ​Produce Lead Generating Sales Assets
  • ​Create Lead Generation Systems that Work Autonomously
  • ​Learn to Build an Automated Cold Email System
  • ​Learn How to Produce & Formulate Cold Email Scripts that Lead to Real Revenue
  • ​Learn How to Automate Your Outbound Marketing
  • ​Use AI to Automate the Production of Content
  • ​Using AI to Achieve 5x-10x Cold Outbound Results Against Your Competitors
  • ​Tailored Strategy Sessions
  • ​In-Depth Case Studies of Other Successful Clients
  • ​Competitor Analysis Techniques
  • ​Access to a Network of Peers and Mentors
  • ​Hands-On Workshops with Outside Leaders & Successful Business Owners
  • ​Access to Software, Included In Your Membership
  • ​Long Term Growth Planning
  • ​Done-For-You Cold Email Script Writing
  • ​Accountability Metrics

Build a Conversion System

  • Create an Offer That People Actually Spend Money On
  • ​Formulate Value Propositions that Generate Interest Easily
  • ​Assemble Sales Arguments that Make Your Offer Obvious
  • ​A/B Testing Frameworks
  • ​Effective Copywriting Production
  • ​Personalized Video-Sales-Letter Frameworks & Reviews
  • ​Achieve Resonance, and Reach Total Product Marketing Fit
  • ​How to Price Your Products & Services
  • ​Multi-Channel Conversion Strategies
  • ​Done-For-You Landing Pages & Optimizations
  • ​Upselling & Cross-Selling

Build a Sales System

  • Create Sales Scripts & Frameworks that Make Calls Easy (Even with Big Business Owners)
  • ​Follow-ups & Workflows that Double Your Pipeline
  • ​Pre-Call, Post-Call, and Nurture Sequences that Squeeze Maximum Revenue
  • ​Psychological Sales Techniques
  • ​Done-For-You Sales Call Reviews
  • ​Build a CRM & Workflows
  • ​Social Selling & Outreach System
  • ​Build a KPI & Tracking System

Build a Scaling System

  • Build a Client Retention System
  • ​Build an Automation System
  • ​Build an Upsell System
  • ​Build an Advertising System
  • ​Build a Hiring & Workflow System
  • ​Build a Personal Branding System
  • ​Build a Company Brain that Tracks all Metrics
  • ​Build a Financial Management System
  • ​Sustainable Growth Modeling
  • ​Offer Expansion & Long Term Strategic Building
  • ​Leadership Development
  • ​Scaling Company Culture
  • ​Market Expansion Techniques
  • ​Scaling Customer Support & Service

We Will Coach & Guide You Through These Systems. And Reveal Every Process We’ve Created.

You will access the best operators in the online space now.

Those actually still running real businesses, and not those just slinging low quality overpriced courses.

You will be with other business owners of your size, ranging from beginners to $500k/mo operators.

You will be personally guided by us.

You will have 24 hour access to us.

You will build our systems into your own business as we assign those tasks to you.

There will be no wondering what to do next. You will always have a task list.

Because we have been where you are. We have been stuck at your wall before. Not sure if we were going to make it out alive or not.

But we kept fighting.

We did the sleepless nights. Testing new offers, testing new outreach, testing different content, testing different strategies.

Not sure if we were going to have to shut down the business and go back to find a normal job.

But we prevailed.

And our mission is to make you skip those steps.

So you don’t have to worry whether it’s going to work out or not.

So that you can do what we KNOW works.

And if I were you, I would be skeptical too.

So I will leave two things here for you now:

A button that will take you to an application.

This application will ask you some questions, and allow you to book a call to speak with us at the end.

On this call, we will ask you about your business to determine whether we can help you or not.

This is a no pressure consultation call, not a sleazy sales call.

We only want to work with people we believe we can genuinely help.

Under this button, there will be interviews, case studies, screenshots, and testimonials of our clients.

And I must give you a disclaimer: you are not guaranteed results like these people.

These people have achieved incredible success, through profound determination, work, and dedication. They may have access to resources that you do not.

We will do our best to help you grow. We will fight hard to make sure what happens.

But success comes down to you and the decisions you make.

So what will you do?

Keep trying to figure it out on your own?

Keep doing what you know doesn’t work?

Keep doing the exact things you’ve been doing, wondering when this will all end?

Or will you join us, and exert extreme dedication and determination?

And build the business you always wanted.